Character file :--------------------------------
Argamenek ( Yll-ayrem )


Evil ruler of Raknemerdah.


Technical information:
"This character I do not intend to show until chapter 3 is finished. Basically a fusion between Stalin, Saddam Hussein, Hitler. Irwin Kirshner's Darth Vader was also influential. But it seems to me, he was inspired by Stalin.

I also threw in some of the attutudes depicted by CEOs, military leaders and polititians of our own crazy corporate world. This character is a texbook definition of a psychopath.
Joseph Cambell's mythological interpretation of darth vader also inspired me alot.

I wanted to explore evil conduct and psyschopathlogy. I do not believe in true evil. I tend to agree with the concentation camp survivor who said: humans are not good or evil. they are just selfish.

In terms of design, I wanted something that looked mechanical. This character is basically a soul less machine. of course, I wanted him black. I drew a first charcter sctech back in high school. And tried to stay as close to it as much as possible while making him more mechanical. The final result reminds me of Mazinkaizer and Darth Grivous. Which is a bit disapointing... I'm gona have to figure out a way of moving away from there....

fig.1george lucas/ ralph mcquerry 1977
george lucas/ ralph mcquerry 1977


Copyright 2008 Felix Quednau. All rights reserved.